

已經建立過的BNI分會 籌備中的BNI分會 預計籌備的BNI分會 (等待清單)

了解BNI的最好方法是訪問一個分會。 來賓只能被要求參加兩次分會(一個分會分兩次,或參訪兩個分會),然後就要被要求做出是否加入BNI請在訪問之前聯繫該區域執行董事或各分會的主席。

The best way to find out about BNI is to visit a chapter. Visitors may attend chapter meetings twice ONLY (one chapter twice, or two chapters once each), before they will be asked to make a decision about joining. Visitors may NOT promote their business in a chapter where their business category is represented. It is not necessary to have an invitation to visit a chapter, however it is best to contact the president of the chapter prior to the visit.



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